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“La foto del giorno” di martedì 28 dicembre 2021 dal titolo “Christmas in Rome” scattata a Piazza Venezia, ci è stata inviata da Julia Wolf . Invia la tua foto del giorno al numero what app 3714413442 – 3316379346.
Il commento di © Julia Wolf
Christmas in Rome
“Jingle bells, jingle bells
Jingle all the way
Oh, what fun it is to ride
In a one horse open sleigh”….
It’s this time of the year, when life paces down. This year the Christmas tree is surrounded by 17 Christmas gifts, representing the Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs). I imagine how the kids are asking: “mamma”, “papa”, “nonno”, “nonna”,….“zia”, “zio”..?.. what are these parcels about, why do they have numbers, and what does it mean??…..and what do they mean for us?
So this is what SDG “Babbo Natale” would respond:
But what are the SDGs❓
The 17 Sustainable Development Goals are at the heart of the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 and adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015.
They shall provide a shared blueprint for #peace and #prosperity for #people and the #planet, now and into the future.
They are an urgent call for action by all countries – developed and developing – in a global #partnership.
They recognize that ending #poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve
health and ?education, reduce inequality, and spur ? economic growth
while tackling ?️ climate change and working to preserve our ? oceans and ? forests.
It’s a conversation that hopefully touches peoples’ hearts, a dialogue on social and climate justice (per “SDG 13 agire per il clima”) that happens at a lunch or dinner table between generations, under the blinking Christmas trees in cozy homes. It’s a conversation about less and more sustainable Christmas presents and more quality time and shared love. This sounds all terribly moralizing but it’s about the change that needs to happen in society to allow all future generations to live in peace, sustain their livelihoods and live in harmony with nature. We can hear load voices through the “Fridays for future demonstrations” initiated by Greta Thunberg in 2018, joint by hundreds of other young people from across the world were attending.
We can ignore all of it but this would possibly take us to a very different world with Christmas day in 2050 at Piazza Venezia under a “snow blizzard”, or with no beautiful tree due to sever draught.
A Roma l’aumento è di ben 5,3 ºC nel mese più caldo dell’anno: luglio. Fra 29 anni in estate a Roma la massima toccherà i 36 ºC! Secondo lo studio, Roma potrebbe registrare temperature simili a quelle attuali della città sulla costa turca dell’Egeo: Smirne.
Non e ancora troppo tardi, talk about it, take action, let’s create together a better future, with a green economy and more social justice for all.
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
2001, Nelson Mandela
Merry Christmas
Redazione e editing fotografico a cura di Alessandro Lisci – Target Lab Ets
La foto del giorno è la rubrica di Alessandro Lisci su www.Romaoggi.eu . Invia la tua foto del giorno con un commento al whatsapp 3316379346 oppure alla seguente mail: alessandrolisci@yahoo.it.
Visita il sito : www.alessandrolisci.com